When fishing in general is extremely difficult that we can talk about new discoveries, and if we talk about spinning or fishing with lures, we can say that everything has been tried, or at least mentioned some times. But as often happens there are flashbacks or situations that previously belonged to few people, that find a reason to explode, and evolve.
This preamble a little wordy only to present in the appropriate way the chat I had with Michael Hogan, founder of Hogy lure, who was kind enough to answer some questions about the history and how to use lures that are created by his company .... especially because after our test here, on the mediterranean bluefin, we can certify its effectiveness.
This preamble a little wordy only to present in the appropriate way the chat I had with Michael Hogan, founder of Hogy lure, who was kind enough to answer some questions about the history and how to use lures that are created by his company .... especially because after our test here, on the mediterranean bluefin, we can certify its effectiveness.

1 - When started the history of Hogy lures?
I've always been an avid angler. I grew up in an inland town on the East Coast of the US, so my love for fishing began in fresh water. I read every book, watched every tv show and tried every lure I could get my hands on. At that point in the 1980s, big soft bait worms were becoming popular for largemouth bass my area. I quickly fell in love with large lures as I began to catch larger fish with them. At around that point in time, my mom bought me a home starter kit that showed me how to make my own mold and pour my own worms for largemouth bass fishing. That was when my love for making lures began. I still remember the thrill of catching a fish on a lure that I made myself. As time went on, I grew up and went off to college, but my love for lures remained. As an adult, I moved to a coastal town and my focus became salt water fishing. In 2006 I returned to guiding fishing charters on Cape Cod. Our target was large striped bass and the fishing was often at night when the stripers would eat eels and very large bait fishing close to sure. I wanted a large design that would mimic live eels, but one that was also easy to rig. My first lures were not intended for sale but quickly became popular with my friends. I began selling them at the local tackle shop and they flew off the shelves. Since my last name is "Hogan" the lures sort of became known as "Hogys" amongst my friends and the name stuck. We incorporated in 2006.
I've always been an avid angler. I grew up in an inland town on the East Coast of the US, so my love for fishing began in fresh water. I read every book, watched every tv show and tried every lure I could get my hands on. At that point in the 1980s, big soft bait worms were becoming popular for largemouth bass my area. I quickly fell in love with large lures as I began to catch larger fish with them. At around that point in time, my mom bought me a home starter kit that showed me how to make my own mold and pour my own worms for largemouth bass fishing. That was when my love for making lures began. I still remember the thrill of catching a fish on a lure that I made myself. As time went on, I grew up and went off to college, but my love for lures remained. As an adult, I moved to a coastal town and my focus became salt water fishing. In 2006 I returned to guiding fishing charters on Cape Cod. Our target was large striped bass and the fishing was often at night when the stripers would eat eels and very large bait fishing close to sure. I wanted a large design that would mimic live eels, but one that was also easy to rig. My first lures were not intended for sale but quickly became popular with my friends. I began selling them at the local tackle shop and they flew off the shelves. Since my last name is "Hogan" the lures sort of became known as "Hogys" amongst my friends and the name stuck. We incorporated in 2006.

2 - On what principles is based the design of these lures?
At Hogy, we believe that soft baits are simply blank canvas waiting to be worked on. Each lure design is based on the principle that each fishing situation requires a very specific lure to perfectly do the job. The beauty of soft baits is that they can be rigged so many different ways to impact the lures action and depth in the water. Be believe in this principle so much that we make as many rigs as we do soft baits with the whole idea being that we can offer a custom fit to ANY fishing situation for any species around the world. We make rigs for casting, jigging and trolling, all of which are designed to perfectly interface with our baits. Obviously the same lure designed for deep water jigging wouldn't be appropriate for tarpon on the flats.
At Hogy, we believe that soft baits are simply blank canvas waiting to be worked on. Each lure design is based on the principle that each fishing situation requires a very specific lure to perfectly do the job. The beauty of soft baits is that they can be rigged so many different ways to impact the lures action and depth in the water. Be believe in this principle so much that we make as many rigs as we do soft baits with the whole idea being that we can offer a custom fit to ANY fishing situation for any species around the world. We make rigs for casting, jigging and trolling, all of which are designed to perfectly interface with our baits. Obviously the same lure designed for deep water jigging wouldn't be appropriate for tarpon on the flats.

3 - What makes special Hogy lures, different from others?
It is our rigging system that makes us the most unique, especially when paired with our larger soft baits. Aside from offering custom fits, we really focus on top quality. Our baits are hand poured with very few heat stabilizers and fillers so the end result is that we make a very pure plastic. The end result is lures that have a deadly action in the water. As far as our rigging is concerned, we use top shelf components. All of our hooks are trophy-class and come sharp right out of the package.
It is our rigging system that makes us the most unique, especially when paired with our larger soft baits. Aside from offering custom fits, we really focus on top quality. Our baits are hand poured with very few heat stabilizers and fillers so the end result is that we make a very pure plastic. The end result is lures that have a deadly action in the water. As far as our rigging is concerned, we use top shelf components. All of our hooks are trophy-class and come sharp right out of the package.

4 - What are the little secrets that are used to fish well with your lures?
While soft baits are known for their deadly action, the action itself comes from the hands of the angler. Simply put, if you were to cast and reel your soft bait straight in, it will have very little action. Hogy Lures tend to be big and have very soft plastic, to they will respond to just about any motion you give your rod tip. There are a number of tricks to the trade:
1. Impart a series of short fast rod twitches. Keep your tip low and toward the water.
2. The larger the bait, the faster you want to fish it. You don't want to give a fish too long to think about eating it.
3. Don't be afraid to fish bigger baits than you normally would fish. Larger baits provide a bigger target for fish to see the lure. You'll be calling in fish from a greater distance, so you'll be effectively fishing more water each time you cast. You may catch fewer fish, but they will be bigger.
4. Keep your tip down when you set the hook and real down on the fish. This will driver more power into the hook set. Remember, the hook needs to penetrate both rubber AND the fish.
While soft baits are known for their deadly action, the action itself comes from the hands of the angler. Simply put, if you were to cast and reel your soft bait straight in, it will have very little action. Hogy Lures tend to be big and have very soft plastic, to they will respond to just about any motion you give your rod tip. There are a number of tricks to the trade:
1. Impart a series of short fast rod twitches. Keep your tip low and toward the water.
2. The larger the bait, the faster you want to fish it. You don't want to give a fish too long to think about eating it.
3. Don't be afraid to fish bigger baits than you normally would fish. Larger baits provide a bigger target for fish to see the lure. You'll be calling in fish from a greater distance, so you'll be effectively fishing more water each time you cast. You may catch fewer fish, but they will be bigger.
4. Keep your tip down when you set the hook and real down on the fish. This will driver more power into the hook set. Remember, the hook needs to penetrate both rubber AND the fish.

5 - What people do wrong when he uses Hogy lures for the first time, how can they fix these mistakes?
The biggest mistake I see on my charters is that people fish the baits too slowly, and with their tip up. I always say, "keep the tip below your belt buckle and keep it moving" Soft baits look so good when fished fast.
6 - can you tell me the best fishing you've done with your lure?
Since I've started Hogy, I've been lucky enough to fish all over the east coast of the USA. It is very hard for me to say which fishing I've liked the most. Can I narrow it down to two?
1. Site casting for bluefin tuna is a hoot. Each spring they should up in our waters and can be over 300lbs. They are easy to see but hard to catch and they are very fond of soft plastics. It's a nice fishery because you only need to go a few miles from the sure. They pull hard, so bring anvil! Below is a video from a shoot with Captain Terry Nugent of riptidecharters.com. He makes finding the fish look easy!
2. My other favorite fishing is the flats for tarpon in Key West. Each May, I fish with top Tarpon guide, Aaron Snell. Tarpon absolutely love Big Hogys fished slowly on the flats. We jump dozens of fish each time. It is so breathtaking to watch a big tarpon come up and slurp one of my lures, right at my feet. If you get a chance, you have to try it.
Michael Hogan
Luca & NewSchoolFishing Crew