We went fishing with our usual guides , found the dolphins but not one single tuna fish , only some small tuna fish by vertical jigging. The day after instead, we saw fins: they were tuna fish and really big ones , at 40 mts from the boat. Unfortunately we had a sardine as a hook and we were not able to reach them with the throw. We could do nothing else than insult each other .

The day after the sea was rough so we decided to go fishing in a stream or better “wadi” as they called it in Oman.

Two days were left and two of the elder fishermen offered to take us fishing . The morning after at five a.m. we were on the boat, grinding out miles till the shore was far away and then definitely disappeared. Hamed sighted some dolphins on which we jumped and they threw a sardine . We drop a jig but without success till when on another shoal , Vincenzo heard a stroke and had the Tamentai bent as never seen before. And I hooked a fireball. That’s the moment: the big tuna fish . A quarter of an hour fighting and then I started seeing him : the flat sea , the tuna fish rising slowly form the depths was something spectacular and I was tight like a string. Then he was just under the boat , Hamed took the rope and with four- five blows the fighting was over.

The day after instead of yellowfin we found small tuna fish from 3 to 5 kgs and we caught 130 in the morning and 40 in the afternoon , in addition Hamed exclaimed at a certain point: Msuhe which means GT. A small shoal of fishes were swimming afloat two – three miles from the cost. We therefore threw a POPPER but nothing happened . HAmed threw a sardine alive without hook which immediately was caught by the big predator- a GT of about 20 kgs , whose back appeared afloat. The evening just before, we had been told that that was the season when the GT arrived and during summer there were shoals of 400 – 500 pieces some kilometers far from the cost and they found them by sailing around and sighting the fish wakes and then by throwing sardsines by hand

Were not enough those last days to convince us thoroughly to come back , other reason would have convinced us : the fact that ALI had seen in 4 days time 4 marlins and hooked one of them by throwing a KARA by hand , a couple of pictures of 450 kgs marlin caught by hand . In addition we discovered a wonderful boat , with all necessary requirements to make serious fishing , from tuna fishes to marlins by jigging and then we met a lot of very skillful and experienced fishermen as only few guides can boast of being . At any rate the undersigned will go back to Oman the next summer to search for pelagic GT and queen fish , small tuna fish and marlins , which are all kind of fishes arriving in such season .
Oman remains an open chapter ..